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Anne Hughes is on a Mission

Anne Hughes is on her annual mission to knock every door in Easton, a listening tour where constituents can discuss the issues that matter to them--issues that Anne very often addresses in Hartford. Every Sunday during campaign season Anne meets her canvassing team at the Easton public library at 1 pm to knock doors. Join us one Sunday and you'll learn more about Easton in an afternoon than you ever thought possible. Of more than 100 bills Anne has sponsored as a state legislator, the majority were drafted in response to constituent ideas that often first surfaced during these conversations at the door. And while visiting, Anne has been known to hug a dog or two.

Anne referenced the value of her listening tour in her August Message to Constituents:

"During these past four years, I’ve traveled hundreds of miles, knocking on thousands of doors to meet the people across Weston, Easton and Redding. I’ve listened, met your kids, enthusiastically greeted your dogs, chickens, horses and llamas. I believe an effective representative must take ample opportunity to listen–at Greiser's on Sunday mornings, at Easton’s annual Farm Tours, Weston’s Dog Jamborees, Redding’s Frog Frolic and Mark Twain Library Community Conversations, as well as at regular town Board meetings, and on the other end of the phone.

This continuous listening helps me understand what voters think we’re doing right and, more importantly, what we’re missing in state government. I’ve come to understand it’s not any single issue that matters as much as an open, honest and inclusive approach to policy-making. Voters want competence, accountability, and results, without the toxic divisiveness and false claims we see at the national level.

I will continue to bring the demand for accountability and systemic change I’ve heard throughout the district during this ‘Accountability Season’ back to Hartford with renewed urgency. I will always amplify the voices of our community as we collectively use our superpower of voting and taking action for decisive change.

It is an honor to walk alongside you in the fight for justice. Citizen-led action is how to protect our economy, our democracy and our future. Election Day is Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Let’s stay engaged now and every day until then!"

- Rep. Anne Hughes

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