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Meet Art Laske - Chairman, Board of Finance

L-R Nick D'Addario,David Bindelglass, and Art at the Easton Community Center Oktoberfest

I moved to Easton in 1999 from Trumbull, where I grew up. I raised my four great kids here and they all attended Samuel Staples, Keller and Barlow and each of them had a wonderful education. They all benefited from the educational opportunities presented by our Boards of Education, and they all enjoyed the baseball and soccer fields in our town, hiked on the trails in the land that has been preserved forever, and made great, lifelong friendships. Being a part of this community has been a wonderful experience for my family, and I am glad to have been able to give something back to Easton for the 24 years

I'm a lawyer and operate my own practice in Fairfield. I started playing my guitar again a few years ago and I host events in “Art’s Barn” on my property – a 1765 farmhouse and very unique barn where friends come by to play and share some laughter and fun. The music community in Easton is filled with so many talented folks and it’s been so great to experience that kind of joy at this time in my life. I couldn’t be happier to be a resident of our great own.

In my 24 years of service on the Easton Board of Finance – the last two as Chairman – I think I’ve discussed just about every possible issue that our town can face. Despite differences of opinion among individuals in town, for the most part our discussions have been cordial, informative and productive. We balance the needs of our schools, our parks and our public employees with the needs of the taxpayers constantly. Our challenge is to provide the kinds of services – a first rate educational system, senior tax relief, good fields for our kids to play soccer, football, baseball and all other sports, police and fire protection – that residents and potential home-buyers look for in a community. We also need to understand that the largest source of our operating income is the tax revenue received from residential properties. Maintaining that balance has been a consistent focus of my efforts over the last 24 years.

As Chairman for the last two years, I believe that the BOF has operated in an efficient, transparent manner, and in doing so I have tried to set a tone in our meetings where citizens and employees of the town who participate in our meetings are respected, the debate is civil, and the discussions thorough and productive. Last year was the first year in my 24 years on the BOF that the Board of Education budget was evaluated and approved without any cuts being made to the Superintendent’s recommended budget. That occurred because of the significant level of cooperation and good will that has been established between all members of the BOF and the BOE. That is a result that can only help advance the cause of improving our educational opportunities for our kids. The BOF has worked very closely with the EMS Building Committee to successfully develop the plan to provide Easton with a new EMS headquarters. I enjoy working to find consensus and common ground from which we can all achieve the goals we set for our town.

I see the next few years filled with the same challenges. Finding the correct balance between the level of spending and the need to raise taxes. Making sure that the EMS project continues moving forward. Ensuring that the concerns of everyone in town – kids going to school, seniors, homeowners – are accounted for before we make critical decisions. I look forward to serving on the BOF again to do the best I can to continue my efforts to improve life for all the residents of Easton.

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